supporting community

GPV’S philanthropic strategy crystallizes from its values,

Aiming at promoting and stimulating a creative, interlocking concept of community.



the strategy evaluates both near and long-term conditions for holistic wellbeing and happiness through four catalysts.

  • committing to individual and communal welfare, empowerment, social advancement, and human rights advocacy.

  • supporting groups and organizations dedicated to tackling biodiversity and ecological challenges, amongst others: maintaining clean waters, ecosystemic preservation, conservation, and reforestation.

  • contributing to socio-economic equality and long-term economic growth that places people’s needs and desires at their core.

  • championing for initiatives that regard spatial justice; supporting the creation of healthy, livable, desirable contexts, spaces, and places.

the catalysts FORM a cohesive picture of factors impacting a community’s psyche, HELPING define action areas for meaningful philanthropic giving.

wHILE WE are fully committed to supporting our local community, WE ALSO firmly believE in the human connection that breaches geography— our challenges don’t exist in isolation.

You will find international partners on our list of philanthropies.

we champion: